We are currently working with a client on a Use Case to demonstrate the real-world impact of generative AI on their business.
ClientLegal Firm
ScopeGenerative AI Use Case
01 Challenge
Showcase how generative AI can be used to streamline and integrate into the client's existing operations, increase productivity and drive measurable results.
02 Solution
We are currently working closely with the client on a Use Case on a specific strand of criminal law using generative AI. Investing in generative AI requires careful consideration of use cases, costs and potential benefit of using the technology in the business. The standard process of implementing generative AI involves identifying specific business needs and developing the use cases; deciding on the model that is going to be used, collecting large amount of high quality data to train the model; fine-tuning the model; integrating the model into your business processes and monitoring and adjusting the model over time, as required.
We will continue to provide updates as we progress through the process with our client.